Percentage To Pixel Converter

Percentage To Pixel Converter

Try our online converter to convert percentages into pixels online for free. Type the percentage value that you want to convert to pixels (Px) and click on the convert button!

Percentage %:

How do you convert percentages to pixels online and manually?

Percentage is a ratio expressed as a part per 100, and It is usually symbolized using the sign (%).

You can convert percentages (%) to pixels (px) online freely and professionally! You can do your CSS and Javascript work quickly! Use the above converter, insert the base value (font size value) and the percent value (without the % symbol), and click convert!

Also, you can use the following equation to convert percentages to pixels manually by yourself:

Pixel (Px) = (Percent * Base)/100

For example, if the percent value is 3% and the text size or font size (Base value) is 16, the pixels = (3*16)/100 = 0.48.

Video Tutorial: How To Convert Percentage To Pixels

Percentage to Pixels Conversion Table

This is a chart for percentage to pixel conversion. Also, you can use the converter above for free.

Percentage Pixel
62.5 % 10 px
125 % 20 px
312.5 % 50 px
625 % 100 px
781.25 % 125 px
937.5 % 150 px
1000 % 160 px
1250 % 200 px
1375 % 220 px
1562.5 % 250 px
1750 % 280 px
1875 % 300 px
2187.5 % 350 px
2500 % 400 px
2812.5 % 450 px
3125 % 500 px
3437.5 % 550 px
3750 % 600 px
4062.5 % 650 px
4375 % 700 px
4687.5 % 750 px
5000 % 800 px
5312.5 % 850 px
5625 % 900 px
5937.5 % 950 px

percentage to pixels converter

Percentage To Pixels Equation

In addition to the online converter we provide above, you can use the following equation to convert percent to px

Pixel (Px) = (Percent * Base)/100

However, we recommend using the online converter because it is faster and more accurate.